
Apex board spring into the community

Apex Busselton secretary Phimwan Jitdamrong, treasurer Allen Hingston, vice-president Anton Mann, service director Alec Ovans and president Donnetta Blackford.
Camera IconApex Busselton secretary Phimwan Jitdamrong, treasurer Allen Hingston, vice-president Anton Mann, service director Alec Ovans and president Donnetta Blackford. Credit: Apex Busselton

Busselton Apex club has a new board, ready to push ahead with a laundry list of community activities over the next year.

President Donnetta Blackford, vice-president Anton Mann, treasurer Allen Hingston, service director Alec Ovans and secretary Phimwan Jitdamrong now make up the board and have a host of plans, including getting little athletics in Busselton up and running.

The group is also getting ready for its annual sheep-shearing event, where members help out hobby farmers with small flocks of sheep, mitigating the cost to the farmer.

For the first time, Apex Busselton has sponsored a spot on the Leeuwin tall ship for the Ultimate Challenge program in November and is still call- ing for applications for the position.

Ultimate Challenge enables young people with intellectual, sensory or physical limitations to experience the Leeuwin tall ship adventure with their carers onboard.

Ms Blackford said another boon for the group came with new members joining.

"Having new members brings new ideas, new energy and more capacity to service the community in any way," she said.

Ms Blackford said Apex welcomed people from all walks of life and time constraints were not an issue - the more help, the merrier.

Mr Ovans said Apex was a great vehicle to do something for the community.

"It's a great way to give back to a great place to live," he said.

And giving often sees the favour returned: after Apex helped with the clean-up for the new Busselton Men's Shed, one of the first projects for the Shed's members was a boardroom table for Apex.

Anyone who would like to join Apex Busselton, help with any community initiatives, or submit an application for the Leeuwin Ultimate Challenge can contact the group by email to service@apexbsn.org.au or find the group on Facebook.

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