Red Cross women shake tin for thousands

Chloe FraserBusselton Dunsborough Times

Women of the Red Cross Naturaliste Unit raised more than $3000 in just two days — shaking their tins at Dunsborough Centrepoint as part of Red Cross Australia’s calling month.

Treasurer Robin Reilly said the women volunteered their time on March 3 and March 10, raising about $3039 to help people overcome crisis across Australia.

Mrs Reilly said the total was well above previous years and she thanked the community for its generosity.

She said the money helped in times of emergencies as well as funding humanitarian projects.

The Naturaliste unit, which is one of the biggest in the State, has raised about $7500 for Red Cross Australia in the past three years.

New members are encouraged to join at the Eagle Bay Hall on the first Thursday of every month.

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