Letter to the Editor: We must help our local homeless people during these hard times

Above the old Commonwealth Bank building on York Street, is a sign that states “the Amazing South Coast”.
The sign itself is in a bad state and I feel that our local homeless people would perhaps think that they are not on the Amazing South Coast, due to their circumstances.
The building has been vacant for many a year, so why could not someone with money, or dare I say, Albany City Council, front up some funding to furnish this empty building for our homeless people?
Of late, they have come off a biting winter and recent torrential rains.
I have always told my children (adults now), that any one of us is only one payment, payday, rent or mortgage payment away, from becoming homeless.
My plea may fall on deaf ears, but if I can think this way, so surely must others.
We are all doing it tough, but something must be done for our fellow unfortunate human beings.
Yes, there are charities, bless them, that aid our homeless people, but, with much respect, many of them who work at the stores are elderly themselves.
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