
Your horoscope for Thursday March 13, 2025

Sudhir DeanThe West Australian
Read what your zodiac sign predicts for your day.
Camera IconRead what your zodiac sign predicts for your day. Credit: Supplied


March 21-April 19


The Virgo Moon pulls the brakes. It is calling you to account to match your skills with your bravado. Be wise and listen.


April 20-May 20


Communication is a struggle. It’s not simple to find common ground. The struggle is eventually worth it. Breakthroughs abound.


May 21-June 20


Your Jupiter-inspired expression is being misunderstood as distracting and excessive. You are very much on the right track.


June 21-July 22


To flow is the way to go. Mars in Cancer is trine the Sun and Saturn in Pisces. To battle and fight is a hard path to nowhere.


July 23-August 22


Pluto, opposite you in Aquarius, is setting up a showdown of ideas. Get to know your ego — and get to know your kindness.


August 23-September 22


The Virgo Moon is helping you get in touch with your feelings. It is also helping you figure out what’s love and what isn’t.


September 23-October 22


Saturn in Pisces is helping you to know what you feel and where you stand. It is giving you both empathy and spine.


October 23-November 21


You are deep into your process of cleaning out and clearing out. Empty space is an invitation to life to bring in fresh blessings.


November 22-December 21


What you call home is changing, by courtesy of Uranus in Taurus. Mars in Cancer is reinforcing your need for nourishment.


December 22-January 19


The Virgo Moon holds you steady as you climb your latest mountain. Stay healthy. Stay nourished. Trust your body.


January 20-February 18


The Virgo Moon, with its emphasis on feeling natural and grounded, brings a feeling of sweet relief. Relax your tired nerves.


February 19-March 20


As the Sun moves into the last degrees of Pisces, so your intensity levels are going up. Your successes intensify too.

The flavour of the day:

Sometimes we have to take a few minutes in a quiet place to open up to the wisdom held in silence.

Your birthday message:

Uranus in Taurus is offering good food and open skies. Mars in Cancer is offering hugs. Fill yourself with aliveness and light.

Key: ★★ Challenging ★★★ Encouraging ★★★★ Excellent

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